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FAQ RelCalc MTBF Software program. How do I select: Telcordia SR-332 or MIL-HDBK-217? Your corporation's product and client profile will very often determine which reliability conjecture handbook to use.

Telcordia SR-332; GJB/Z 299B & 299C; NSWC-98 Handbook; Siemens SN 29500; FIDES; FMEA Software; FMECA Software. NSWC-98 Handbook. NSWC Standard 98/LE1. Telcordia TR-332 SR-332, Bellcore Electronic Component Reliability Prediction Software. Download a free demo now. Cim k300c drivers.

Mixing Reliability Prediction Models Maximizes Accuracy Overcome Component Limitations, Better Reflect Past Experiences, and Achieve Superior. Telcordia Technologies Special Report SR-332) Commercial, United States. Such as MIL-HDBK-217 or Telcordia, and also refer to The Handbook of Reliability Prediction. Learn about the most widely accepted Reliability Prediction standards, including MIL-HDBK-217, Telcordia, 217Plus, China's GJB/z 299, and the NPRD and EPRD component databases, and how to choose which one to use.

For example, you will most likely possess to make use of if you have got military agreements or customers, or commercial contracts or customers that stipulate 217 for dependability forecasts. While MIL-HDBK-217 is usually used by both military services and commercial companies, it can be focused for military services applications, which might describe the considerably pessimistic amounts it sometimes provides for industrial quality items. Thus, many of our industrial customers, producing products like as computer systems, telecommunications systems, medical systems, and energy supplies, choose to make use of the handbook for their dependability predictions. Our casual tests comparing 217 and Telcordia MTBF forecasts indicate that Telcordia results are generally much much better (we saw 25%-450%). Based on reviews from our clients, Telcordia appears to give much even more realistic results than 217, and Telcordia expected MTBF results are most likely to be more consistent with actual field experience. When choosing between MlL-HDBK-217 and Telcordia SR-332, furthermore maintain these points in brain: - Telcordia has 6 atmosphere categories (4 surface, 1 atmosphere, 1 room), while 217F2 provides 14 conditions (3 surface, 8 atmosphere, 1 area, 2 ocean). Thus, if your product is used in an atmosphere or ocean environment, you might wish to make use of MIL-HDBK-217.

While MIL-HDBK-217 can be focused for military services applications, it does include commercial quality levels for all part versions, and it is usually suitable to use 217 for industrial items. The Telcordia component models were originally developed and qualified for commercial programs. Telcordia simplifies the models by generally basing part failure prices on ambient heat range, while 217F2 bases IC and semiconductor failing prices on component junction heat range.

Thus, the Telcordia technique is very much quicker and less difficult to make use of. For high strength dissipation parts, take note that our Telcordia version of RelCalc will permit you to push up the operating temp for any given component. Telcordia SR-332 Problem 3 allows you to stipulate an Upper Confidence Level (UCL) for the computations. MIL-HDBK-217 will not designate UCL for its calculations.

Telcordia Sr-332 Handbook

The Telcordia design provides a measure of baby mortality failure rate in inclusion to the regular state useful operating daily life failure rate, and allows you to state system, panel, and device degree burn-in to enhance the baby mortality failure rate. MIL-HDBK-217 only computes the constant state failing rate. Telcordia will not have got a specific SMT gadget model, stating that its information displays no substantial difference between standard and SMT gadget failure rates.

MIL-HDBK-217F-2 will include a specific SMT model, which had been created to assess the existence integrity of leadless ánd leaded SMT gadgets. The 217F2 method requires more function, and our expertise has shown that the 217F2 SMT design share to the general board failing rate is usually usually minimal. The Telcordia failure rate versions are more up to day than the 217 versions. Telcordia manages larger gate count number ICs significantly better than 217. Both MIL-HDBK-217 and Telcordia are usually identified and used worldwide. If you have got queries about choosing between MlL-HDBK-217 and Telcordia SR-332 for your specific situation, make sure you feel free to at any time. Note that some 20% of our clients buy both variations (we give a considerable price price cut for the second version), offering them versatility for different products, programs, clients, etc.

Telcordia / Bellcore ITEM ToolKit Component Telcordia Electronic Reliability Prediction US Business Telecommunication Regular TR-332 Problem 6 / SR-332 Issue 1 The Telcordia Module of ITEM ToolKit computes the dependability conjecture of electronic equipment based on the TeIcordia (Bellcore) TR-332 and SR-332 specifications. These criteria make use of a series of versions for different categories of electronic, electric and electro-mechanical elements to anticipate steady-state failing prices which ecological conditions, quality levels, electrical stress problems and numerous other parameters influence.

It offers forecasts at the component level, system level or project level for COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf Components). The models allow reliability prediction to end up being performed using three strategies for predicting product reliability:. Technique I: Parts Count. Technique II: Combines Method I predictions with lab data. Technique III: Forecasts structured on field data The Telcordia regular also documents a recommended technique for forecasting serial program hardware dependability. It includes instructions for providers to follow when giving predictions of their gadget, device, or serial system dependability. It can also be used straight by telecommunications service suppliers for product reliability evaluation.

Gadget and unit failure rate predictions generated making use of this method are appropriate for commercial electronic products whose bodily design, produce, set up, and dependability assurance procedures fulfill the appropriate Telcordia (or comparative) generic and product-specific requirements. Download Display To down load a free of charge demonstration of our Telcordia software program. Features Effective and user helpful Telcordia telecommunications standard reliability prediction software program Combine prediction strategies for complex evaluation Optimize designs to meet up with targeed objectives Select components with respect to dependability and price savings Become more accurate and efficient than with regular methods Get advantage of effective 'what if' analytical equipment Identify weakareas in a system design Build and open up multiple systems and projects files Drag and drop parts and techniques between tasks Powerful charting services.

Telcordia SR-332 Telcordia SR-332 was initially the Bell Laboratories Bellcore standard for the reliability conjecture of industrial electronic parts. What's i9000 in TeIcordia SR-332? The Telcordia Standard allows reliability predictions to end up being performed using three methods:. Method I offers predictions structured on a Components Count method. Technique II offers predictions structured on combining laboratory check information with Components Count data. Technique III provides predictions based on combining field tracking information with Components Count data. All three strategies are managed by the Dependability Workbench Conjecture Module.

What can Telcordia perform? The Telcordia SR-332 Standard also offers versions for predicting the failure prices of units and products during the very first season of operation. The failure price during this wear-in phase is portrayed as a multiplying element operating on the forecasted steady-state failure price.

This First Year Multiplier (FYM) is usually inspired by burn-in instances and temperatures. The Conjecture Module instantly computes the Initial Year Multiplier based on described system, device and gadget burn-in moments and temperatures. The Overview of the Conjecture Module page includes a description of the functions available in Reliability Workbench for developing a Telcordia SR-332 design.